Since 2007, the EMB has participated in different projects funded by the EU.
Ongoing projects include:
- SURIMI - Implementing socio-ecological models into the European Digital Twin Ocean to guide real-world problem-solving and policy creation
- RHE-MEDiation lighthouse - Destress the Mediterranean Sea from chemical pollution
- FLORES - Forward Looking at the Offshore Renewables
- EcoScope - Ecocentric Management for Sustainable Fisheries and Healthy Marine Ecosystems
- BRIDGE-BS - Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems
- BAMBOO - Build scAled Modular Bamboo-inspired Offshore sOlar systems
- EOOS - European Ocean Observing System
The completed projects are listed here.
The list of deliverables developed by EMB from the projects we have partcipated in can be found here.
To comply with the eligibility requirements of the European Commission's Horizon Europe Funding Programme, in Autumn 2021 EMB published its Gender and Diversity Plan, and is continually updating it. You can view the latest version of this plan and find out more about EMB activities related to gender and Diversity Equality here.