In this edition of the ECOP Wednesdays event series, hosted by the EMB Young Ambassadors and the EMB Secretariat for the EMB ECOP network, Nikia Gooding spoke on the topic of "Earth Observations for Ocean Observations in Trinidad and Tobago".
Earth Observations (EO) have a rich history of being leveraged to inform decision making and policy in the Caribbean region. The Institute of Marine Affairs conducts coastal and marine environmental research for Trinidad and Tobago. Join us as we take a deep dive into the power of EO for Ocean Observations in Trinidad and Tobago.

Nikia Gooding is a Research Officer in Remote Sensing at the Institute of Marine Affairs in Trinidad and Tobago. At the IMA she has a portfolio that includes executing research projects in the Unit as well as providing spatial analysis and modelling support for the IMA's research and monitoring programmes. She is an Early Career Ocean Professional that participated in the Intergenerational Dialogue Session at this Forum. She was sponsored by the Horizon Project EU4OceanObs and GEO Blue Planet. The latter of which she is actively involved as the national focal point for Trinidad and Tobago’s membership to GEO. She also represents the national focal point for GOOS. She has a MSc in Geoinformatics (hons.) and a BSc double major in Geography and Environmental and Natural Resource Management (first class hons.) both from the University of the West Indies. Areas of Interest: Oil spill detection and monitoring, blue carbon - specifically for mangroves and seagrasses, coastline change detection and modelling, mangrove mapping and management, seagrass and benthic habitat mapping and management, and the management and sharing of spatial data towards greater accessibility and discoverability through the promotion and use of the IMA's Marine Data Hub.
You can rewatch the presentation here and access the presentation slides here.