The EcoScope project, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, aims to promote effective and efficient ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) in the EU.
This four-year project (2021-2025) is developing an interoperable platform, a robust decision-making toolbox, a series of online courses, and a mobile application to involve citizens in EBFM. The EcoScope Platform combines diverse datasets relevant for EBFM (climatic, oceanographic, biogeochemical, biological and fisheries datasets), which are available to users through interactive mapping layers. You can access the Platform via this link.
The EcoScope Toolbox, is a novel, decision support tool, which will use an interdisciplinary scoring system to assess the state of ecosystems and evaluate the consequences of "what-if" management scenarios. The toolbox will be available to users by the end of the project. You can find out more about the Toolbox here.
EcoScope is also developing ecosystem models across five case study areas to assess "what-if" management scenarios, maritime spatial planning simulations, and novel methods for data-poor fisheries to assess the status of all ecosystem components across European Seas.
The EcoScope Academy is the educational pillar of the project and includes a collection of online self-paced chapters on Ecocentric fisheries management and a series of summer schools and training courses. You can access the online courses through this link.
The EMB Secretariat is leading the work package on stakeholder engagement, which aims to ensure that the EcoScope tools are fit for purpose and address stakeholder needs. During the General Assembly, Sheila presented the progress of this work packages, and the Consortium discussed the final stakeholder workshop, which will be held in early summer 2025.
The fourth annual General Assembly provided a chance for the whole EcoScope consortium to meet, showcase progress, and plan ahead for the final year of the project.
You can find out more about EMB's involvement in EcoScope here.
EcoScope is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, grant agreement No 101000302. The information and views of this website lie entirely with the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.