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Launch of EMB Position Paper on deep-sea research

Today the European Marine Board launched its 22nd position paper, Delving Deeper: Critical challenges for 21st century deep-sea research at an official side event of the 14th Deep Sea Biology Symposium in Aveiro, Portugal. The paper is the output of the EMB Working Group “Deep Seas" and outlines 8 goals and key action areas to address research challenges in the deep sea. The Working Group brought together 14 experts from 8 countries with expertise ranging from natural science, socioeconomics and law and the study also consulted the wider stakeholder community on the deep-sea research landscape and investments across Europe.

The Launch included interventions by MEP Prof. Ricardo Serrão Santos, Consultant to the President of Portugal on the Environment, Science and the Sea Dr. Tiago Pitta e Cunha and a presentation by Working Group Chair, Prof. Alex Rogers, University of Oxford. The press release is available online.